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Esophagial diseases pearls

Bulbar vs pseudobulbar palsy
Bulbar palsy (lower motor neuron lesion) causes dysphagia due to muscles weakness, whereas pseudobulbar palsy (upper motor neuron lesion) causes dysphagia due to disordered contractions

Alkali burns cause liquefaction necrosis (much more serious), whereas acidic burns cause coagulation necrosis.

GE Reflux due to lower esophageal sphincter (LES) can be caused by the effect of recently ingested fat in the duodenum or because of over distension of the stomach
Suspect GE reflux in patients with persistent nonproductive cough especially if there is hoarseness

Foods/Substances that Aggravate GERD Symptoms:
• EtOH
• Caffeine
• Tobacco
• Fatty/fried foods
• Chocolate
• Peppermint
• Spicy foods
• Citrus fruit juices

Both acute coronary syndrome and GERD or esophageal spasm may be relieved by nitroglycerin.

70% of non-cardiac chest pain caused by GE reflux disease and not necessarily associated with heart burn

No need for endoscopy in patient with classic symptoms of GERD, the diagnostic workup starts with therapeutic trail

Drugs that may delay gastric emptying and promote reflux are: calcium channel blockers, antihistamines, tricyclic anti depressing, and anticholinergics

About 25% of patients with Barrett’s esophagus do not report symptoms of GERD.

24hr esophageal pH monitoring is gold standard investigation in GERD

Plummer Vinson Syndrome Triad:

- Iron Deficiency anemia

- Dysphagia
- Esophageal webs

Plummer-Vinson syndrome
Cervical esophageal web, it is more commonly found in females and often associated with iron deficiency anemia.

Schatzki ring
Mucosal ring narrowing of the lower esophagus
Causes intermittent dysphagia with solids
Treatment: endoscopic ring disruption

Infectious esophagitis
Candida is the most common cause; herpes is the second most common

If the patient has dysphagia affecting both solids and liquids from the beginning, think of achalasia as a cause

Odynophagia (Pain on swallowing) is a typical of esophageal candidiasis, it is a common complication of inhaled steroid therapy

Alarming signs and symptoms of dyspepsia (Raise suspicion of gastric malignancy):
• Unintended weight loss
• Persistent vomiting
• Progressive dysphagia
• Odynophagia
• Unexplained anemia or iron deficiency
• Hematemesis
• Jaundice
• Palpable abdominal mass or lymphadenopathy
• Family history of upper GI cancer
• Previous gastric surgery

Helicobacter pylori may be protective against esophageal cancer

Risk factors for esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma:
Plummer-vinson syndrome
Rare: coeliac disease, scleroderma
Sensitive to radiotherapy

Risk factors for esophageal Adenocarcinoma:
Barrett's esophagus

Esophageal adenocarcinoma
Esophageal adenocarcinoma is not sensitive to radiation, so the treatment is only surgery or chemotherapy

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